Abstract Submission10th International Science Culture and Sports Congress , 26-30 May 2023

Abstract Submission



Abstract Submission

To submit your abstract you first will be asked to create an account at the 'login panel'. However, the creation of your account does not mean you have registered for the conference, but will allow you to submit abstract(s) directly from your account using the Article Submission Page (which is available when you log into your account).


An author can submit more than one abstracts. The submitted abstract must be presented at the conference by one of the authors contributed to that research. Please note that after your submission further changes cannot be accepted. The same author is allowed to present only 2 articles and will have to pay an extra fee if wants to present more than 2. 



Presentation type: The author has to choose the type of presentation, but the final decision is up to the scientific committee. 


Title: The first letters of the title should be in capital letters. (eg. Examination of the Basic Motives of Social Change after 1990s).


Authors: The presenting author must be chosen from the panel, no academic title should be used. Name and surname of the author must be written clearly. (eg. Mostapha TIRYAKI).


Institution of the authors: Institution names must be written clearly. (eg. Gazi University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Ankara, TURKEY).


Abstract: The abstract must be in English, but Turkish and Ukranian abstracts will be optional. Abstracts are restricted to 300 words (except the title, authors, and institutions).




All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee, which will also decide on the type of presentation (oral, virtual or poster).

All the papers which would be printed in our journals will have to go through 2 separate blind review process. It is the authors' responsibility to prepare her/his full-length articles accordingly to the related journals' publication guidelines.




Presenters must be registered for the conference at the latest by the 15st of April 2022. Otherwise their presentation will not be included in the conference programme.


The oral presentation format is PowerPoint. Oral presentation time will be 10 minutes and plus 5 minutes of discussion. Oral presentations must be pre-uploaded in the session room before the start of the session. If the presentation will be delivered in Turkish or Ukranian languages, then it is obligatory for the presenter to have an English Abstract (either on powerpoint or on printed paper) which has to be presented at the very beginning.  There will also be assistants helping language issues in each conference room. 


Poster size is (height 120 cm, width 90 cm). Poster format is portrait. Poster presentation time will be 2-4 minutes and plus 1 minute of discussion. Poster presenters should stay in the venue during to the whole session in order to answer any questions directed by the audience.